
Showing posts from January, 2018

18 days

Well, it took 18 days to get my head screwed back on straight. Not sure why, but I haven't been able to pull it together. You are your own worst enemy. Almost have my daily journal in order. Getting things on and off the list, getting things done, finally.

Day 13.....

Wow! Day 13! And already I haven't been honest with myself, or you.......  Really never thought it would be so hard. Don't want my failures to be used against me, but that is such an easy excuse, I don't even buy it. Today was AWESOME! Had the Klondike Derby with George and Harry. Theo skated to get in shape for his evaluations with MyMy with my Father. Spoke with some people I need to, more on it later.... but good. ------ I overheard someone talking about me, describing me and my actions, to someone who does not know me, to what I did 15 years ago. I did what was described, but actions 15 years go is how you introduce some to me? Shit, go back 30 years and I'm sure it would be even more colorful! I was REALLY disappointed. I never mentioned it, wouldn't change anything..... ----- The ONE thing I learned in 2017. There is no WRONG way.  Your way, my way, it's all the same. We are all getting to the same end result. ----  more coming.....

Tuesday, Wednesday!

Last night was a Scout night. Had to meet up for the Klondike Derby preparation. Now I have a "sled" loaded into my minivan for Saturday. ------ Anyone doing any cryptocurrency? I'm doing a little, would love to know what you think. I met a guy in Gems Bagel Shop and he was talking coin, when I asked him, he kind of blew me off until I told him I was in it too, then we talked a little on what each one of us were doing and what we thought. Might have picked up a pointed up a pointer or two..... ----- Trying to keep up on my list, of course I get pushed until tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow. It seems like I am having better time management so far for this year, we will have to see! ----- Theo's skates got delivered yesterday, they don't fit. So it's off to Hockey Monkey to to see how we can fix the issue. Lucky it's a half day for everyone, so we will be able to get there earlier than 6-ish. let me tell you, I read a lot of BAD rev...

Cold Morning!

Little cold this morning, not as bad as it was but still cold. Goats water is frozen, all the water at the barn is frozen, so it's cold. Have my list! A few things carrying over from the weekend. Writing everything down has really helped, when you follow it. Writing it and ignoring it, which I have been guilty of, doesn't work! I going to try and leave the original posters in these things somewhere but it's the message that counts. One quote I remember, and tell my kids often, “Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right.” (Henry Ford). You have to believe you can, believe that with your hard work, you'll achieve what you set out to do.

it's a beginning.....

We all want the "New Year" to be good, we make silly resolutions, promises we can't keep, commitments we know we will break...... I'm going to try and share my successes and failures here, along with things I think are worth while, working to make 2018 a forward movement from 2017. I don't believe 2017 was bad and do not feel 2018 needs to be better, just forward from where 2017 ended. I don't want to be in the same place this time next year. Forward. -------- i hate making decision that hopefully will come true when i know it won’t i hate giving the benefit of the doubt i hate not doing what i know needs to be done, giving the opportunity to to do the right thing, and it failing i wish i would just do the right thing always and if you were with me there would not be an issue anyway…. -----------